Keep on thinking they only have flying cars in cartoons and movies… until one flies overhead. Probably inspired by sci-fi, the AeroMobil 3.0 (made in Slovakia) is an idea that has been in development since 1989. With a max airspeed of 124 mph and max range of 430 miles (on a full tank), this flying car could make short work of daily commutes or make short vacation getaways very workable. AeroMobil’s ultimate flying machine is most ‘unreal’ in the way it is made for real people; uses regular fuel from gas stations and can be parked in regular spaces.
For real. Take a look.
[…] out a futuristic George Jetson car; one that you can ride to work and carry into the office. Now, if they could only make it fly (like this one here). WalkCar is the world’s smallest electric car, as small as a laptop. Super cool […]