Look at IG stepping up to the plate! Instagram already had Twitter’s number. Think about the time/effort to snap a picture worth a thousand words vs. the time/effort it takes to cram your sentiments into 140 characters. Assuming both are attempted using the smartphone you got there, IG wins! Got wind of a bigger ‘win’ though: Periscope, Snapchat and even Facebook live have now comp… Instagram’s Live Video Broadcast feature! It works in concert with IG’s recently released Stories feature, and it has to be seen as just as good or better. Seeing as how nowadays, Facebook feeds and photo sections are filled with echoed pics and videos from IG, this move lets users skip the middle ‘tech.’
Suffice it to say that the @JayforceDotCom and @BeatzandlyricsShow Instagrams are about to go HAM! And you can still follow our Beatz & Lyrics and JayForceDotCom feeds on Twitter. All good!