Posts Tagged ‘Vince Swann’
Comedy: Keep It Lit. Hit Her With The ‘Henny D**k’ (Video)
Is there such a thing as ‘too far’ when it comes to 50 Central going for the funny? I’m asking…
Vince Swann tries out the next craze in helping his member stay lit.
– BETNetworks
Harder than Black Panther’s armor. Yeah, she finna get it!
– @ojones1
Comedy: Are You Sure You’re In ‘Good Hands’ Though? Maybe Consider Getting Insurance Against Cops (Video)
Giggle game still strong. 50 Central checks in with another skit that manages to have fun with making a point about something ‘not fun’… the overkill we do to get through being stopped by a cop without being killed.
– @ojones1
Comedy: ‘Eddie’ Stops By To Try Some Brownies That ‘Snoop’ Is Cooking Up (Video)
When Ma Martha’s away, His DoggFatherness will play… with the recipe for some bomb azz brownies, pimpin. Bwaaahaaa! Try making some for the neighbors after you watch. What a great way to stay say high hi
– @ojones1
A 50 Central Special Event: “O.J. Simpson’s Welcome Home Party” (Video)
Y’all gone get enough of f**king with The Juice. Probably not, because this is hilarious!! Now, who wants cake? OJ’s got your slice right over there. Hahahaa!
(And “Dave Chappelle” was there? Wowwww.)
– @ojones1
Comedy: 50 Central Presents “Sexual Harassment Training” (Video)
“He wants to ‘Baywatch them titties’… until his Johnson becomes The Rock!”
In a word… WOWWWW! And why oh WHY is Ms. Dixon sexy AF in this sketch?? Ask 50. He had to keep it 100 (showed her better than he could tell her when he stood up). Hahahaaa! Real deal sexual harassment policy training starring 50 Cent, Mark Harley, Tristen Winger, Vince Swann, and Jasmin Brown.
– @ojones1