Look around and you will see cane that has been fertilized by the blood of Haitian men.
– Father Christopher Hartley
Damn! Backbreaking labor for ‘vouchers’ for use at the ‘company store’… workers on a plantation… not being allowed to leave (plus not having the resources or wherewithall to go anywhere if they could)… people being shipped in for field work under sub-human conditions for what amounts to no [net] pay. THIS IS SLAVERY! In the 21st Century this is SLAVERY! While the plantation owners, Europeans and richer people enjoy themselves but a few miles away…
You must watch this “Price Of Sugar” story. The price is too high (looking at you, America, a leading consumer of Vicini familty plantation sugar)! Prepare to be enraged and saddened. But the world needs to know. Respect to Shadow And Act for spotlighting this doc and giving us some Cliff’s Notes on it.