Posts Tagged ‘VICE Reports’
The Real Lives Of Real Life Sex Workers (Documentary)
Well done and done in a respectful way. Sometimes investigative journalists embed with subjects and get overly intrusive without at least building with them, ‘earning’ the right to pry, so to speak. But VICE always seems to get it right. Probably why they consistently turn out great documentary content.
Photographer Lindsay Irene travels to Toronto to shoot with a variety of sex workers in their homes with the goal of increasing the understanding of who they are.
Government Mind Control: Is It Happening? (Video)
Damn. This looks straight out of a sci-fi TV series. The people suspect clandestine government activity and a coverup. Psychiatrists say it’s a mass delusion; so government will likely go with that. What’s the truth behind allegations of individuals being targeted and tortured in the most unique, high-tech ways? VICE Reports went to find out.
Recently, thousands of people around the world are claiming to be having the exact same terrifying experience. They all report the same symptoms: hearing operator voices in their heads, suffering from ‘electronic torture’ and being subject to organised stalking – they call themselves ‘Targeted Individuals.’
Whilst psychiatrists have warned this is mass delusion on a global scale, the community are determined to prove that they are not mentally ill, but victims of a global trans-humanist agenda that will eventually be rolled out to take control of us all.
Across online blogs and forums the targets have been sharing their experiences and in doing so have formed a growing community, validating each other’s place in the ‘targeting programme.’
Targeted Individuals have tried many things to relieve their pain – from living life on the run to surgically removing their own flesh because they believe it’s implanted with microchips.
In this film VICE follows the lives of several targets as they try to fight for official recognition of the targeting programme.
The Return Of The Black Death (Documentary)
In the minds of most Westerners, still, the Black Plague triggers thoughts of history lessons, or of movies about the Middle Ages. This is not a modern era illness we face. To oversimplify, the Black Death is supposed to be dead. Well, with recent mainstream reporting about a third world outbreak – and a public health scare as two victims returned to Atlanta (Georgia, USA) for treatment – the West likely experienced a mental software upgrade that re-ranked the disease much higher among the threats to health and chances of survival. However, as is oft the case for mainstream media, another shiny new story came up, and another (Ray Rice, U.S.-led airstrikes…whatever, take your pick); and Western reporters moved on to the next one…on to the next one. But not VICE. This is where VICE lives: Embedded in the hottest areas of stories too dangerous AND too low on the ‘this just in’ scale of current events for big-budget reporting outfits to care about; usually in faraway places and affecting people who are to far removed from ‘us’ to care about. THAT is why we f#ck with VICE: Because as a noble reporting institution that could do otherwise, it consistently chooses to find and stay on the stories that thinking and feeling people would indeed care about (or care about longer) if they were told and kept fully informed about them. Like this Black Death that the mainstream news (liberal and conservative leaning) thinks is ‘dead’ (e.g. a dead story). It is still VERY much alive. And not knowing and keeping up with it could still get lots and lots of us KILLED.
VICE gives a detailed, two-part documentary report and writeup. Watch, starting with part 1 above. Follow the link to read more below; and hit the jump for part 2. Get this knowledge in you like medicine! Folks and the media think the ‘curing’ of two folks in the ATL is a triumph over what could be considered a ‘scary outbreak that happened over there.’ Nah, maaan. This thing could hit a city! Thousands to millions of people at risk. Maybe that’d make it ‘big’ enough to get outbreak coverage again but… as the VICE report adeptly put it: “[H]istory has taught us, by the time there are enough people with the plague to classify it as an “outbreak,†it’s already too late.”