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Posts Tagged ‘U.S.’

The Dog Ate Ate Your Dollars? Yes, The U.S. Mutilated Currency Division Can Help (Video)

Fascinating story! Seems like, when you take into account the labor spent on validating the tattered currency, that it costs a lot to do this. But it’s gotta be worth it to someone who would otherwise lose their money.

Let’s set the scene: you’ve just discovered your pup chewed away at your entire life savings. Or, last month’s rent was suddenly burned to a crisp after being left in the oven. Bizarre mistakes happen, but what can you do? The Mutilated Currency Division has got you covered.
– Great Big Story


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How America Is Killing the Middle Class (Video)

The American Dream is threatened by a rapidly shrinking middle class. Millions of Americans are strapped with debt, higher costs of living and lower paychecks. How did it get so bad?

This AJ+ is a must watch. Cuts through high brow talk and all the political discourse about the direction of the U.S. economy. The so-called middle class that most of us want to get into or climb through… it’s damn near gone. Adjusted median household income is less now than it was in 1989… nineteen-eighty-f##cking-NINE!! And as a people we are getting deeper into debt, facing higher costs of living and barriers to access to healthcare and advanced education…

Enough. Dammit enough!!!

We are in deep trouble. We knew that, but this video clears the waters so we can see how deep. Watch. And this campaign season, while you are deciding who (or whether) to vote for as the Presidential candidate of your choice next year, THINK… Who is talking real talk about FIXING THIS SH!T?


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U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson Needed Room at the White House To Let His ‘Nuts Hang’ (Audio)

Every man needs pants. Every man needs room in his pants. That’s how we order ’em… with room… preferably EXTRA room for comfort when carrying money and such. President Lyndon B. Johnson, being a man, was no different. He needed room in his pants – for his money, for his KNIFE, and for his NUTS! Hahahahaaaaaa!

Listen closely. Was that a big belch? Haaa! Man, the Prez was rough cut back in the day. Joe Haggar tailor-made slacks – cut for Presidential comfort since the 1960s.

(And yes, that really is the President’s voice, a recording off the White House phone line.)

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Technology: U.S. Military Considering a Pokémon Inspired Gun? (Video)

CAUTION: The YouTube post said some “kids went into seizures” upon viewing this Pokémon cartoon episode.

Shout to Heather Fairchild over at for the initial scoop on this.

According to documents acquired by, through a private U.S. citizen’s Freedom of Information Act request, the U.S. Army kicked around the idea of disabling enemy combatants with blasts of electromagnetic energy. Amazingly, the idea inspired by a Pokémon cartoon episode (see excerpt above). Here is a passage on the proposed nonlethal weapon technology:

‘Application of “electromagnetic pulses” could force neurons to all fire at once, causing a “disruption of voluntary muscle control,” reads a description of a proposed seizure weapon, contained in a declassified document from the US Army’s National Ground Intelligence Centre. “It is thought by using a method that would actually trigger nerve synapses directly with an electrical field, essentially 100 per cent of individuals would be susceptible to seizure induction.”‘


Wowwww. Talk about high-tech warfare!

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Comedy: Stephen Colbert Examines How ‘Body Language’ Is Important In The U.S. Presidential Debate (Video)

Stephen Colbert kills me! Comedy Central’s resident “conservative” declares that while United States Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney ‘distance[d] himself from everything he said on the campaign trail’… ‘it worked, so f##k it!’ Hahahaaaaa! But there were more important criteria than stuff like ‘facts’ or ‘consistency’ on which we should judge debate performance (says Colbert). We should be looking at Romney’s and President Barack Obama’s body language. So, in this clip, we do. Hilarious stuff. Can’t wait until the U.S. Vice Presidential debate and the other Presidential debates for more serious stuff. But for now… more laughter. Click play above. You’ll see…


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Economist Dambisa Moyo Says China Beating the U.S. By Investing In Emerging Markets on ‘The Daily Show with Jon Stewart’ (Video)

Damn, I HAVE SUCH A CRUSH on Dr. Dambisa Moyo, International Economist from The Gambia (Africa). Don’t tell me intelligence isn’t SEXY. Whew! Maaannn, I would have listed her as Eye Candy (because she is); but I want you to focus on what she is saying first. Among other points made: The way in which China (as the world’s largest remaining Communist power) is engaging emerging economies is MORE POPULAR and MORE EFFECTIVE than that of the Western World (e.g. of the United States). We must listen and learn; or to quote a favorite artist of mine, “Get right or Get Left!” (Shout out to Anderson Scott of The 5ive.)

Politics: Would You Have Booed Mr. Romney? (Video)

Amen, Chris. AMEN! Folks, I generally keep my political opinions to myself; but I feel obligated share wisdom as often as I can. Chris Rock, as he makes us laugh, often gives us pause…that we might THINK. Now, the Chris Rock video was a warm-up. Here is the video I want to discuss (and have you think about). Take it away, Mr. Romney.

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