Posts Tagged ‘Trump Promises A Healthcare Plan Someday’
Stephen Colbert Reveals President Trump’s Obamacare Replacement Strategy: The Plan Is No Plan (Video)
‘Brevity is the soul of wit’… and he is evidently witless.
Hahahaaa! Gotta laugh to keep from crying. If we lose the Affordable Healthcare we have, guess what we get in its place. No, seriously, guess. Because I don’t know. I’m hoping maybe you (or somebody, like the current administration) might. In the meantime, who wants a free ‘mermogerm’ though?
On healthcare, not only doesn’t Trump have a plan. He doesn’t have a plan TO MAKE a plan.
– The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Yeah, but bet your pockets he plans to be on Twitter tonight (and every night)!
– @ojones1