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Posts Tagged ‘Meeting The Game’

She’s Got Game: Meeting The Game (Episode 1) [Video]

Don’t think of She’s Got Game as ‘reality television’ (well, you can if you want). Think of it as The Game sharing his Eye Candy with you. For while he looks for love, we get to look over his foine azz choices. And remember, so do his friends…

…and this is a competition… meaning these ladies are all but guaranteed to hate on each other at some point. So, now you have VH1 trademark drama on deck. Use that as ‘cover’ for your ogling. Got the show’s premiere episode cued above for you to practice that.

(You can say something like, “Baby, why are they acting all wild and crazy and embarrassing themselves like that? Breastses and azz just wiggling and jiggling all over the place. And do you see what they are wearing? Wow. Let’s remember to watch for that when we rewind when we watch this again On Demand. Mm mm mm. Just trifling. Right, Honey? Honey… awww why you mad? What did I do now??! Just trying to spend quality time watching TV with you, and now you get salty.”)

Whew! Check for some snapshots after the jump. And altogether say, “Thank you, Game” (who is still rocking shows AND exec producing the show… meaning the player is still about business)!

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