Posts Tagged ‘Laura Flanders’
Cover Story: Laura Flanders and Rashad Robinson on Fighting ALEC (Video)
I make it a point to watch Moyers & Company most every Sunday on PBS Atlanta. When I can, I attend live chat sessions and keep up with the web exclusives. Smart commentary on politics of the day. Last episode was an intriguing in-depth conversation on the agenda of the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC.
ALEC pursues its goal – to influence lawmaking (mainly at the state level) – in ways that neglect U.S. citizens’ input and interests. This affects us! Remember the Trayvon Martin case? ALEC’s hand-print was all over the “Stand Your Ground” legislation that let shooter George Zimmerman delay investigation and indictment for so long!
Like so many organizations that aim to control our political process in the United States, ALEC is an evil hidden in plain view. We can fight it once we see and know about it. This Moyers & Company web exclusive – a conversation between GritTV’s Laura Flanders and Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of – helps put ALEC and its agenda in plain view. Watch. Listen. Tell a friend to, too. Learn how Rashad fought back and what ordinary folks can do. By the way, Election Day is only a month a way! Let’s GO!
– @ojones1