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Posts Tagged ‘Jake Gyllenhaal’

Peter Parker Needs A Vacation, But The World Needs Spiderman (Trailer)

Or should that read that the WORLDS need Spiderman? Hmmm. Answer the phone, Peter.

Yep. The new “Spiderman: Far From Home” MCU movie is gonna be dope! Gotta watch these things in order, especially with the ‘growing up’ Spidey had to do to make it through “Avengers: Infinity Wars” and “Avengers: End Game” (because SPACE, TIME, and INTERDIMENSIONAL travel… talk about ‘far from home’ right?).

Oh, and don’t watch this if you haven’t seen “End Game” yet #SpoilerAlert

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Nightcrawler (Trailer)

Awww maaannn! As soon as I saw the title on this I figured Marvel had slipped a comic-turned-movie in under the Fall radar. You know, like Nightcrawler from the X-Men series. But nope. It’s an action/drama/thriller about a guy who finally finds his way to make a living; as a freelance video-journalist. BUT… the stuff he captures way before even cops and ambulances get on-scene… it goes too far. And as you’d expect in real life, sh!t gets too real for our hapless [sort of] hero.

Jake Gyllenhaal stars as Lou Bloom, a driven young man desperate for work who discovers the high-speed world of L.A. crime journalism. Finding a group of freelance camera crews who film crashes, fires, murder and other mayhem, Lou muscles into the cut-throat, dangerous realm of nightcrawling — where each police siren wail equals a possible windfall and victims are converted into dollars and cents. Aided by Rene Russo as Nina, a veteran of the blood-sport that is local TV news, Lou thrives. In the breakneck, ceaseless search for footage, he becomes the star of his own story.

Watch how real it gets. And not in any funny way either. I mean, hey, it hits screens this Halloween (October 31, 2014).


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