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Posts Tagged ‘HUFFPOST LIVE’

The Future And Music Collectives (Video)

Very interesting. Music/culture collectives – already seen as go-tos for indie and underground (read: real) music and movements – could very well be controllers of the world of tomorrow. Time was, we went to other taste makers – deejays, radio, clubs, label imprints, print and video magazines – to learn what was new and worthy. Nowadays, largely enabled by Internet and mobile channels, we turn to curators who are independent themselves (e.g. not beholden to station management, programming consultants, the ‘charts’ or record/media manufacturers). Could it be that enough of us have turned away from old commercial channels that big name companies of all kinds who want to reach us reach out to Soulections and OKPlayers (and ehem JAYFORCEs) of the world? Real music, real culture from real outlets NOT begging or cowering for big ad bucks.

Could be. Check out the discussion above.

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Scarface Speaks Out On Police Brutality (Video)

“I feel like we’re being hunted…and I’m not cool with it.”

At HuffPost Live mainly to promote his book “Diary of a Madman,” Face gets into other topics as guided by interviewer Marc Lamont Hill. You know, Scarface (born Brad Jordan) makes some enlightened points here. And some in an impassioned way. But even when using his outside voice inside, truth is truth. Hear him speak on, among other things, police brutality.

Most interesting: FaceMob KNOWS his ‘mob’ (his people, his fans) will ride – just because he says to when he says. And instead of taking the not-a-role-model stance, he refrained from saying what he really wanted done about police abusing their power. Plus, it was smart not to ‘scare away’ potential readers of his book by getting too real to fast (e.g. let them get shocked…later…by reading the book).

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Black Thought And Questlove (Of The Roots) Talk About What’s Happened Since That High School Talent Show (Video)

The Roots’ Black Thought and Questlove chat with HuffPost Live; speaking on (among other things) Kellogg’s cereal, the latest LP, their gig at The Tonight Show, playing with Dave Chappelle again, and going head-up with Boyz II Men in a high school talent show… and LOSING! Hahaaaa. Everybody made out okay since then though. All good. Good clip.

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Nas Speaks On The Development And Timelessness Of The “Illmatic” LP And More On HuffPost Live (Video)

Ever wonder where the term “Illmatic” even came from? If, so you have at least one reason to watch Nas’ interview on HuffPost Live.

Celebrating the week of “Illmatic XX,” Nas stopped by Huffpost Live to look back at his debut opus approaching its Friday anniversary. The Legendary artist, opened up about his mindset heading into the project thinking it would be a big album for the year and 5 years down the line, but never pictured the project to stand the test of time 2 decades later now. While reflecting on his career and the current state of hip-hop, Sincere went on to touch on how his on-wax beef with JAY Z changed the landscape for hip-hop becoming all battle. Continue below to watch the rest of the interview and be sure to look for the premiere of his upcoming documentary “Time Is Illmatic” running at the 2014 Tribeca Film Festival now until April 27th in NYC.

– Huffington Post


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Disgraced Lottery Winner Now Works In Cookie Factory (Video)

Years ago, Michael Carroll hit the lottery in Britain. Yes! Now, he’s working in a cookie factory in Scotland?? Nooooo!

Now, there is NOTHING wrong with working in a cookie factory (esp. if you own it… bought from, say, the money you won in the lottery). But…

In 2002, the then-19-year-old garbage man won £9.7 million (about $14.4 million). However, over the next few years, Carroll lived it up eff’d it up – snorting massive amounts of ‘nose candy’ (e.g. using cocaine), spending outrageous amounts on a mansion, jewelry and hookers, and landing himself in jail sentence in 2006. But now in the aftermath, this dude may finally be getting it together – acting like he has some sense after wasting part of his lifetime and getting down to his last cents.

“In the crazy days, I’d wake up, do a line of cocaine, then open a can of lager. These days, it’s bran flakes for ­breakfast at 7 a.m. then maybe a cycle before work.”

Michael Carroll

Check out a teaser for a documentary being made after the jump.

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Snoop Dogg On ‘HuffPost Live’ (Video)

Snoop appeared as a guest on HuffPost Live to promote his album “Reincarnated” (out now). That was the main intent. But you Snoop does what Snoop does… like firing up the weed and freestyling … LIVE!

He didn’t mean to though. He said so in the clip above. You can watch the entire sit-down on the HuffPost Live here.

He also spoke on his transition from gangsta/pimpin’ to a new persona pushing peace and non-violence; even weighing on the Rick Ross “didn’t know” lyric controversy. Good stuff.


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Big Boi Politics: 1/2 Of Outkast Speaks On Why He Didn’t Vote For President Barack Obama (Video)

If you follow Big Boi on twitter like I do then you should already have an idea of his political views. Personally I find myself having more in common with Big Boi’s political views than most people which is one of the primary reasons I do follow him on twitter. I don’t follow many artists on twitter unless they do have something significant to say or if they are able to bring my attention to something important other than “entertainment”.   I’m an independent & I agree with many of the views of the Libertarian party although I don’t have any political affiliations with ANY political party. In the last presidential election my views fell in line more with candidates like Jill Stein or Gary Johnson more than President Barack Obama, but unfortunately the way the American political process works it was clear to me Jill Stein & Gary Johnson didn’t have a shot at actually winning.  Although more independent voices are cropping up over the past decade the reality is until there are significant campaign reforms, independent candidates many never have a real shot.  In an ideal world I would have voted for either of those two, but I feel wasting a vote on a candidate that is unable to actually win played a huge part in my personal decision & voting for Mitt Romney was entirely out of the question.  In a recent interview on HuffPost Live, Big Boi sets the record straight for people who “assumed” he voted for President Barack Obama in addition to a few other hot button topics. Check out more of the interview in the videos below after the jump…..
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