Posts Tagged ‘Flavors’
Food & Culture: Fried Flowers? We Can Eat Flowers… Fried? (Video)
We all know that everything tastes better deep-fried…
Not saying I’d take a trip to Thailand just to try this, but not saying I wouldn’t… if someone else was paying for the ticket. I got my own fried flower money! Something tells me that this is delicious.
Plus, the li’l lady selling ’em looks like a sweetheart
– @ojones1
Lady Dahlia – “Savage” (Video)
Shout to my homie XOBoogie (hot out the NOLA, y’all need to check for her) for putting me onto another of the finest Hip-Hop highness out of Louisiana since 3DNatee. The flyness, fineness, finesse and flows are all there. More on Lady Dahlia after the jump. But click play ASAP and check out the visuals for “Savage” though. Single available on her FREE “Flavors” mixtape, hosted by DJ Hektik.
– @ojones1