Posts Tagged ‘Far From Home’
Peter Parker Needs A Vacation, But The World Needs Spiderman (Trailer)
Or should that read that the WORLDS need Spiderman? Hmmm. Answer the phone, Peter.
Yep. The new “Spiderman: Far From Home” MCU movie is gonna be dope! Gotta watch these things in order, especially with the ‘growing up’ Spidey had to do to make it through “Avengers: Infinity Wars” and “Avengers: End Game” (because SPACE, TIME, and INTERDIMENSIONAL travel… talk about ‘far from home’ right?).
Oh, and don’t watch this if you haven’t seen “End Game” yet #SpoilerAlert
It’s Summer, And Spider-Man Is “Far From Home” (Trailer)
SPIDER-MAN IS BACK! Here is the new trailer for #SpiderManFarFromHome
— IGN (@IGN) January 15, 2019
Okay, watching this trailer should leave you with [at least] two takeaways: (1) Just when you don’t expect it, Nick Fury will come through, AND (2) Nick Fury came through, Peter… which is… Why. You. NEVER. Leave. Your. Spidey. Suit. At. Home!!
(Acceptable alternate takeaway: Auntie is super cute. Looks like she could make Happy reeeeally HAPPY. Haha!)