Posts Tagged ‘Discovery Channel’
Discovery Channel’s Cage Match: Shaq Vs. Sharks (Video)
He thought it was ‘Shaq Week’ but nah, son, it is “SHARK Week” on Discovery Channel… every year. But props to the Big Shaqtus for leaving the land and braving the depth to do a face-to-face the potentially vicious fishes, mano y (um) shark-o.
Shaq faced his fears and conquered them. Turns out that there wasn’t much to fear… until A SHARK GOT INTO THE CAGE THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HIM!!
Yeah. That happened. Hit the jump and see.
Live Event: Nik Wallenda to ‘Skywalk’ Across the Grand Canyon Tonight (Trailer)
Tonight at 8pm eastern time, Nik Wallenda is going to walk across the @#$!ing Grand Canyon… LIVE… no harness, no tether, no safety net!
‘What kind of person attempts to walk across the Grand Canyon without a harness?’
– Discovery Channel
It’s too easy to answer: “A crazy person.” Instead, watch the trailer above and the bonus clip after the jump. Then, watch the skywire event tonight.
– @ojones1