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Posts Tagged ‘Brain’

How To Remotely Unlock Your Car Using Your Brain (Video)

Might be the coolest vid you watch today. Like a ‘Mr. Wizard’ (or ‘MythBusters’ for you young’ns) clip… on steroids! Sooo… Dr. Jean Grey (of the X-Men) has a head full of water. Well, so do you (sorta). And while starting a stalled stealth jet might be easy for the ‘mutant’ powers in her head, physicist Roger Bowley shows you how you can unlock a key using that powerful thing inside yours. He heard mention of this on BBC Television’s show Top Gear, but couldn’t believe it. Only one thing he could do.

The only way to find out if something is true is to do the damned experiment… disprove your prejudices.
Roger Bowley

Ain’t that something. Science meets social commentary. One clip; boiled down to one poignant statement. Told you it’d be cool. Watch, learn, and enjoy doing so.

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Technology: Science That ‘Plays Your Brain Like a Videotape’

Okay. Technology is REALLY taking the ‘fiction’ out of science fiction. Let Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg, an associate editor at The Atlantic, ‘drop some science’ on you:

‘Our senses take in a vast array of sights and sounds every day, sparking activity in our neural circuits in corresponding patterns. Now, scientists are developing ways to decode these patterns and recreate the original audiovisual stimuli — not unlike the video playback of a VHS tape. This episode of Science Bytes explores some of the research in this field.’

Last year, scientists at the University of California Berkeley demonstrated that they could reconstruct the YouTube videos their research subjects were watching by analyzing fMRI scans of their brain activity. The video above is a shot-by-shot comparison between the video presented to the subjects and the video reconstructed by scientists brain scans. See how close the scientist got to what subjects saw…just by scanning their brain waves? Now, the episode write-up (and its included links) go MUCH DEEPER into the science; but let me lift another passage that will cut to the chase:

‘It’s not hard to imagine a cyborg future in which we can “make movies with our brains,” to quote music video directors Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan.’

In a word: WOW!


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