Posts Tagged ‘App’
Education: Math RAPS Is Music To Parents’ Ears. Helps Kids With Their Arithmetic (Software)
Ah… Saturday. The kids, the tube, maybe a trip to the park and Mickey D’s on the way back home. Lots of wonderful nothing to do on the weekend. You love ’em, and that’s what you’re supposed to do over a weekend. Prime family time. But how are your babies doing in math though? Those prime numbers and such? Have they hit that ‘new math’ that you cannot even help them with yet? Composite numbers, factors… It can get intimidating. It’s okay, we got you. Explore the unfamiliar terrain with a familiar vehicle…Hip-Hop (that’s right)!
Seriously, there’s a rap app (featuring Dr. Pi) that tutors pupils in math! And before you ask, it’s FREE (bet that adds up, right?). Hit up the App store and get a copy today. Monday’s coming (and that math homework won’t do itself).
– @ojones1
Technology: Reading Your Mind? There’s an App for That!
Seems like only a short while ago when mind-reading was something only Professor X or Mr. Spock could do… make believe, right? Well, you know when sci-fi moves make believe toward reality, I am among the first to share with you. Take a look at MindMeld, a new app for the iPad. Its namesake obviously taken from Mr. Spock’s Vulcan mind-reading technique, MindMeld actually employs voice recognition and complex search technologies to figure what you (and anyone with whom you are conversing) are thinking about… based on what has been said.
Okay, okay… So it is not as spectacular as Professor X telling you about your super-secret teenage rendezvous with your mom’s hot friend back in the day. Freak! Hahaaa. However, we have all been in the conversation where you could not quite think of the title of that song…
the Ice-T song… when he was with the first girlfriend… his baby mama, not Coco… it went like… damn what was that line? Arrgh… something like… “I looked at your lady and I was disgusted”…Â
So frustrating! Until MindMeld pops up a screen with a link to “Rhyme Pays” and you go… THAT’S IT! It’s like… the app… read your mind!
While true, non-verbal, mind-reading may be a way off, MindMeld maker Expect Labs has plans to refine its app to make it even more powerful. This realm of technology, known as anticipatory computing, has some scary (but hopefully benevolent) real world uses. For example, in the near future, doctors could use it to talk with patients – reading between the lines during talks about sensitive topics or catching mentions of symptoms that should be checked. This tech could save lives; or at least, improve quality of life. Bottom line: If managed responsibly, MindMeld could save us much… from a little aggravation to a love one’s life. Check out a product demo of today’s free version of MindMeld after the jump.
– @ojones1