- Gabriel Garba on Eye Candy: Who’s Ready For A Nina Galy “Mid Day Twerk Out” (Video)
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- Jorge Vladimir Florence on Eye Candy: Shower Time And Straight To Bed For Jessica Kylie (Video)
- Some Chap on Eye Candy: Bad Girls Club 16 Dream Doll (Video)
Posts Tagged ‘Abuse of authority’
Police Officer Threatened To Ticket Motorcylist When He Honked His Horn (Video)

Check this out. This can go down. I have been stuck behind an un-cop-looking car, and I flashed my headlights because the driver was going below the speed limit in the passing lane… AND ENDED UP GETTING PULLED OVER. I just flashed my lights. That’s all. And I got an agitated cop leaning in my window all of a sudden. Exactly what I did NOT want to happen EVER.
That said, I don’t know the full story of this vid. But I can relate to the sentiment the Facebook poster is pushing: It’s f’d up that a cop can dress me down just because he got miffed because he thinks I dissed him.
– @ojones1
Activism: Porsche Nicole Kelly Takes The Stage And Speaks On A Lot Of Ridiculous Things That Are NOT Funny (Video)

All of these are jokes, but none of them are funny.
Stop her if you have heard this one. Wait. DO NOT STOP HER! Let the poetic activist Porsche Nicole Kelly speak on this: “So a guy walks into a bar…A priest, a rabbi, and a minister walk into a bar… A White man with a Glock walks into a church…†#Jokes #NotFunny
– @ojones1

The Police Don’t REALLY Treat Black People Differently. Do They? (Video)

You know the answer. But to have [even more] solid evidence of such, laid out in the form of a solid argument… Sure the affirmation is depressing, but at least you know you are signifying (not just ‘theorizing’). So, here you go. Share and discuss.
Santa Fe School Shooter is armed, yet apprehended peacefully, so why can’t police exercise that self-control with Black people?
– The Young Turks
– @ojones1
Released From Prison, But Still Not Free: NBC Nightly News Covers Meek Mill’s Legal Ups & Downs (Video)

Damn. Caught the case at 19 and even after 30, freed on bail, he does not feel free. The NBC News organization is all over this Meek Mill legal entrapment story… good for them and for us viewers.
Rapper Meek Mill was granted bail by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday after being sentenced in November to two to four years in prison for a probation violation — a decision criticized by his supporters as too severe. In an exclusive interview with Lester Holt, Mill says he recognizes this as “a very important moment.â€
– NBC News
Got Mill around here looking like an activist, speaking on the evils of the American Justice system. A positive outcome. Maybe some reforms will come of it. At least some very rich and powerful figures are attached and talking now.
Meek Mill Speaks On Being Taken Down By ‘Suspect’ Cops & A ‘Zealous’ Judge (Video)

Hmm… surprised and glad a major news outlet picked up on this story. Mill got strung along by the system and caught up in the snare string; the real trap. If you are not up on things regarding Meek Mills’ mistreatment by the law dogs and the judiciary, watch and study up.
Rapper Meek Mill was jailed for violating probation in a case that has received national attention and calls for criminal justice reform. He speaks out to Lester Holt in an NBC News exclusive.
– NBC News

Destroying Bigotry One Clapback At A Time (Video)

And even worse than the reality of bigotry (you do KNOW it’s real, right?) is the realization that, in truth, there is NOTHING we can do to keep an armed police force – trained and given license to kill by the government whenever they deem it necessary – from TAKING OUR LIVES!
And that’s how the clip f*cking starts! Not trying to make you mad. Trying to ‘woke’ you up with this Anthony McPherson rant!
– @ojones1
Blue Lives Matter, No Matter What… Except For This Officer Who The Cause Abandoned (Video)

I will let the Francis tell you about the angles. The facts: (1) Officer Mohamed Noor used deadly violence, (2) it was unjustified, (3) Noor should be punished just like all the other wrongful shooters should have been, BUT (4) there has been no support in this particular situation from those aligned with #BlueLivesMatter
We are now left with the big ‘why’ questions. Chief among them, why is the only time we the ‘Blue Lives Matter’ mantra is invoked is in juxtaposition to ‘Black Lives Matter’ …The mantra has provided cover for other cops’ bad shoots, so why not Noor’s? Could there be another color to consider other than ‘blue’ or can unquestioned faith in officers’ in-the-moment decision-making all of a sudden be questioned when the cop’s chosen faith is not ‘ideal?’
Get ’em Francis!

Recently Published Footage Calls Events Preceding Mike Brown’s Death Into Question (Video)

LOOK at this and TRY not to get mad. Remember the Michael Brown case; the Ferguson police murder (er…arrest)? Well, additional footage dropped that shows the strong-arm robbery Brown supposedly perpetrated on the owner – the video footage of which was leaked, somehow ‘justifying’ the arresting officer’s use of lethal force – did not tell the entire story. See, above is another piece of footage that shows an orderly exchange, perhaps even a DEAL struck between Brown and the store owner. Strange how that’s been left out of the conversation until now, huh?
For all unaware (read: NOT ‘woke’), THAT is how you paint a negative narrative using ‘actual footage.’ You don’t put out all the footage, just the part that supports the story you want told, AND negates the one you don’t. Whatever happened, Mike Brown should NOT be dead. TRUTH! The ‘strong arm video’ was meant to sell us on the bad-things-happen-to-bad-people story. Wrong story, okay. ‘They’ (e.g. those who want you to believe that Mike Brown was ‘not so good enough’ that he deserved to live to be tried like a citizen) WANTED that video to be seen to support their story, not the one this new footage tells…
HUH! Their lawyer disputes the new footage and what it might reveal… Ya think?

Do Not Resist (Trailer)

Trailer for the new film I helped to produce, DO NOT RESIST, about warrior cops and the militarization of police. https://t.co/tKgVuGd4XO
— David Menschel (@davidminpdx) August 17, 2016
Damn. Come September 2016, film producer David Menschel is gonna give us yet another look at ourselves that some (maybe the majority) of us do not want to see. But we HAVE to! When will the U.S. police forces realize that when your tool of choice is a hammer, everything looks like a nail? To break that down to simple compounds: When all you have to respond to even civil ‘threats’ is a MILITARIZED police force, you confront an unarmed gathering with an overly armed force… With sticks and stones they may threaten to break cops’ bones… so why not run ’em the f*ck over with our new tanks??!
See Rand Paul, yeah even Rand Paul, say the cops’ Army toys are NOT to be used in riot suppression? Let alone against unarmed, lawful protestors? Wow. Watch the trailer.
St Ivan The Terrible x Senica Da Misfit – “Sound Of The Police”

RAW! Skillful use of the mic, rap platform, and the KRS-ONE namesake sample in this song, fellas! Real (and timely) Hip-Hop for the people. Give these bros a spin, and put a fist in the air! You can grab that FREE download (via link below) before or after that.
“Sound of the Police!” is a song which was introduced as an idea to me by my late bro/comrade/friend Pumpkinhead (PH) back in late 2013, early 2014. Initially, it was supposed to be for he and I but some things transpired within that time, and I went away; and he, unfortunately, passed away. I dedicate this song to him for coming up with the idea. So I reached out to the homie, Senica, to partake on it with me and he went in. It’s a song most definitely needed for the times now present.
This is what Hip-Hop [Rap music] has always been about, being the voice of the people, and the voice for those who need someone to speak for them, but in song form.
To all the brothers and sisters unjustifiably killed and murdered by police or any law enforcement. This is for you #RIP God bless your families & loved ones… Peace.
– St Ivan The Terrible
– @ojones1

Franchesca Ramsey Debunks Four Myths About #BlackLivesMatter (Video)

Franchesca Ramsey making the rounds from Comedy Central’s The Nightly Show With Larry Wilmore over to MTV’s Decoded (all in the ‘family’…Viacom). Here you can see and hear her give facts that you can hit haters (e.g. those who insist on trolling against #BlackLivesMatter) in the head with. Now, do not get discouraged if all you get in response to your factual rebuttal is ‘All Lives Matter.’ You cannot have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
Time for the truth. Press play above.
Bill Maher Says That Police Culture Has To Change (Video)

Above: Bill Maher tells Stephen Colbert that we need policing as a society. He values the police and denounces shooting of police, like most, BUT he understands why police got shot at this point.
You can only look at so many videos of shooting unarmed Black people. I’m surprised it didn’t happen before.
Wow. Then Colbert follows up with a quote from the late President John F. Kennedy: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” Then Maher goes in further: Police culture – attracting the wrong types of people, protecting wrongdoers within their ranks, not administering true justice when wrongdoers are caught, even the training – HAS to change!
Yeah. By this point in the evening, the funny part of the show was over, as Maher declared.
(Well, actually, they got in some more joke pokes… some at each other… but, trust, the serious power of what was said was not diminished.)
Incredible conversation The Late Show. Colbert keeps bringing thoughtful TV to CBS; while allowing what needs to be said to be said. Watch.
Rant, Rebuttal, Reconciliation: Wendy Williams Apologizes And Invites Roland Martin To Speak On HBCUs & The NAACP (Video)

Two media power-movers get together and ensure the ooh’s and ah’s are not the last thing we get out of the swirl of fiery commentary that came from Wendy Williams’ rant – then Roland’s rebuttal – on HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges & Universities) and National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. See all that build up after the jump. What’s most important though… is that they got together on Wendy’s couch, reached an accord, and ensured knowledge was shared! Good use of a powerful platform.
“News One Now” host Roland S. Martin sits down with Wendy to talk about her remarks about Historically Black Colleges and the NAACP. Then, Roland weighs in on race in America, police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement. Plus, Roland weighs in on how to talk to our kids about these issues.

Activism: 23 Ways You Could Be Killed If You Are Black in America (Video)

Remember when Chris Rock did the comedic PSA “How To Not Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police” on his show years ago? No? We’re not surprised. With the passage of time AND all the police involved tragedy going on today, who can remember? And with all the unwarranted KILLING happening to us, it is really hard to laugh anymore. Crazy thing is… there seems to be NOTHING we can do to GUARANTEE living through a police encounter nowadays. Truth is, the time for folly is at an end. Hence the #WeAreHere Movement and the video above.
Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, Rihanna, Jennifer Hudson, Pink, Bono, and others explain why it’s time to take action to heal the long history of systemic racism in America. #23Ways
In collaboration with Alicia Key and the We Are Here Movement, with original reporting from Mic’s Jamilah King. Go to WeAreHereMovement.com to find out more.

Killer Mike Speaks On His Anger And Fears In The Wake Of More Police Killings Of Black People (Video)

Without fail, Killer Mike is ALWAYS speaking poingnantly with passion about matters affecting the people… his people. Sometimes it’s a wonder how he keeps answering the call to speak. Frustration we all feel, way before he and those of like mind began to #FeelTheBern
This is all truth. No slick talk and no backtracking. Notice how he does not have to couch his statements in the typical ‘all cops are not bad’ rhetoric, because he is out there with the police in his town – forging relationships, ensuring that they will feel/be compelled to protect & serve in his community. He touches on that. He has not abandoned talk on political movements we need to make either: VOTE out the folks who refuse to look out for the people in the community… VOTE THEM OUT! And he continues to bang the drum for a show of Black economic power: Want to move those in power, move your money away from them and toward folks you wish to empower.
None of this is new, but Killer Mike keeps speaking it. As frustrating as it must be. The truth is easy to repeat; because it’s not a ‘platform’ or something he has to ‘make up’ or remember. Watch Mike Render speak on his fears and frustrations with the two recent tragic losses of two Black Lives that did not Matter to cops who took them.
Comedy Central’s Larry Wilmore Speaks Out On The Killing Of Alton Sterling (Video)

Thank God for f#cking cell phones…Because we would never even hear about incidents like this otherwise. In fact, part of what makes people in the Black community so enraged about this is for years, we never had evidence for these things.
– Larry Wilmore
The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore is supposed to be about comedic commentary… but a lot of what the host has had to cover is just plain old not funny. And it’s getting OLD. Larry speaks the feelings of us all in a tone like, ‘The vest just fell off…REALLY??’
Here’s the thing: People KNOW we have folks that NEED to be POLICED. But by and large, that should not include the UNJUSTIFIED KILLING we are see TOO OFTEN now. That’s MURDER, with a license to kill issued by the government. Before, folks could have dismissed all these as ‘anomalies’ or ‘things being blown out of proportion’… not anymore though. No more. People have the technology, even if cops on the scene ‘lose’ theirs all of a sudden at a crucial moment. We SEE you doing wrong, Mr. Officer. Cameras are ALWAYS on!
Jesse Williams Delivers A Powerful Acceptance Speech At The BET Awards (Video)

A system meant to divide and impoverish and destroy us cannot stand if we do.
– Jesse Williams
Time to stand up Black people!
By now you have probably heard, or at least heard about the speech Jesse Williams gave in acceptance of the Humanitarian Award. We will steal NONE of its fire. PLEASE click the pic above or the link below and watch the full speech given at the BET Awards. Best three minutes you will spend today. Guaranteed to light a fire that burns in the depths of your soul. Let’s go!
(The speech is transcribed after the jump.)
Innocent Man Befriends The Crooked Cop Who Sent Him To Jail For Four Years (Video)

An innocent man is now friends with the corrupt cop who framed him and got him sent to jail for four years??? Let me go on and say it: If it was me, I couldn’t forgive. No hell NO!
But for this case… Not gonna spoil this clip for you. After watching, not sure how you will feel about the story, but it will make you say, “Wooowwwww.” One way or the other.

Yasiin Bey – “No Colonial Fiction”

Shout out to the family of Tamir Rice… Young blood is flowing… but school’s closing.
– Yasiin Bey
Bey speaking truth and love with guts. Sending blessings to the family, but keeping the light on the murder of 12-year old Tamir Rice by police in Cleveland (Ohio, USA) last year. Let the pain move you to DO SOMETHING like the song says. Check out Yasiin’s interview and strong commentary on Tamir, misplaced Muslim hate and more after the jump.

Activism: Producer/Director Quentin Tarantino Speaks Out On Police Brutality (Video)

Ultimately, what I feel is it’s a problem with White Supremacy in this country.
– Quentin Tarantino
Whoa. Lean in, folks. Get this frank commentary on police brutality from a member of Hollywood’s elite. Someone who could expect live his entire life without actually experiencing it, but compelled to speak on it, check out what Quentin Tarantino has to say about civic authorities abuse of power and its roots. His comments so far overall have been fiery enough to get police & organizations across the country to call for a boycott of “Hateful Eight” (the forthcoming latest Tarantino movie).
Um, yeah. Good luck with that, officers…