Posts Tagged ‘3DNaTee’
3D Na’Tee | Best On Earth T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #036 (Video)
Still keeping the commitment to the barz! But handling business in other arenas. The inspiration for this, besides the fan suggestions and Hip-Hop in general… wow! Not gonna spoil it for you. Watch. And drool!
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee | The Box T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #035 (Video)
Stay with the tools like I stay at Home Depot…
Okay, Na’Tee. Back strong!!
And yes, of course, we are gonna download The Official 3D Na’Tee App (at And thank you… for keeping it BOSS with the business and BARZ… and BANGING (over the beat, and that BODY… YEEZUS WEST)!
Every week I choose a track to remix that you all suggest in my Youtube comments and if I choose a track that you suggested, I’ll shout you out in the video! This week’s T.Mix is to RODDY RICCH’s The Box. Be sure to visit to check out past T.Mixes
Also, be sure to grab my album, The Regime, which features collaborations with Jhene Aiko, fellow New Orleans Native August Alsina and more and my latest project, The Songs That Didn’t Make The Tape from your favorite streaming service or grab a signed copy from my official merchandise store Hope you enjoyed this week’s Morning Exercise and you have a suggestion for next week, let me know! See you next Monday!
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee | Forever T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #034 (Video)
Got another T.Mix and I am not slipping on this! Na’Tee beasting it out in the booth over the Tory Lanez jawn “Forever”… and being forever sexy on that M-I-C I see, Na’Tee… as always!
– @ojones1
Interview: 3D Na’Tee Is Not Trying To Offend You, But She’s Not “Not Trying To” Either (Video)
Mm mm mm, 3D Na’Tee!
Right from the top… I got a correction: The challenge is that you are FINE AF, Na’Tee. That’s a fact. Which gets you pigeon-holed as a FEMALE emcee, and getting invited to be back stage instead of ON stage. You’re always impressive nonetheless. Just saying, no name-calling needed, but if you were less attractive or less skilled like some folks, or if you were something other than authentically you… it’d be a different situation altogether for you.
That said, you MUST be YOU. Please, stay true to YOU, Na’Tee. I have followed you for years and applauded you for being that way every step of the way! The world needs you just as you are. Gorgeous in ALL ways. So the quote says:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.
We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small
Does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us;
It’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we’re liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
– Marianne Williamson
Yes! Liberate us, Sis. LIBERATE US!!!
I’m saying though: Just um… don’t be mad at me for staring. I mean the barz got me like daaaamn! But so does the bod #Confession #Facts #YeezusWEST #YouBLESSED
– @ojones1
J.Gray x Kendal Untamed – “Win” feat. 3D Na’Tee (Video)
No need for me to even lie about it. I have been fiending for missing them 3D Na’Tee videos. Well, she must have heard my thoughts (or my pants, gasps, and heavy breathing… because my THIRST for her is REAL… you see her), because LOOOOOOK!
Here’s something to hold you over until I drop these new Monday Morning Exercises on you! Recently I linked with two dope artists – @kendal_247 and @j.graylifestyle – to create this song “WIN.” Then they took a trio to my hometown, New Orleans, to create this visual! Tell me what you think about it in the comments!
– 3D Na’Tee
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee | A Lot T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #032 (Video)
How much do I like these MME vids? “A LOT”… And Na’Tee? Hella “A LOT”… But set that aside. I can still see the pain she working through to get this freestyle ep out to us, and this is the ‘polished’ post-edit version. I hope and pray she makes her way through, and that she finds someone to talk to (like my bro BoneBreaker Jones always says, and I hash, #TalkToSomebody). Rest in peace to all our loved ones who had to leave us for now.
Looked up free grief counseling resources for the NOLA and found New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic. They can probably help find resources nationwide.
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee | Tripping T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #032 (Video)
If you don’t think I’m f**king with Na’Tee for the flows AND for her undeniable sex appeal… you are Tr-Tr-Tripping!! She is irresistible, and as long as she keeps dropping heat like this, I will be putting her T.Mix vids up on here!
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee | Middle Child T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #031 (Video)
Na’Tee snapped on another one! This time it’s over a popular J. Cole track. I don’t wild out on commentary about how sexy Na’Tee is nowadays, not because she is any less beautiful, but because the flow is so choice!
But let’s be clear: 3D Na’Tee is sexy AF!!!!
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee | Last Time That I Checked T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #030 (Video)
A Nipsey Hussle T.Mix by Na’Tee. Very appropriate. And very much wanted apparently judging from the number of shoutouts she had to give at the end. Hot. Fire hot! A dope message in the tribute, too. Thank you, Na’Tee. RIP NIP!
Every week I choose a track to remix that you all suggest in my Youtube comments and if I choose a track that you suggested, I’ll shout you out in the video!
– 3D Na’Tee
3D Na’Tee | Money T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #029 (Video)
Ahhhh! Great to hear that Na’Tee is back doing the T.Mix jawns. Wonder what kept her away from doing them for a spell. Guess she will share that in her own time. For now, just rock with this freestyle by 3D to that beat for Cardi B.
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee – “Who Can We Run To” (Video) [NSFW]
Obviously Not Safe For Work.
My bad family. I should have shared this video LONG ago, as I have followed 3D Na’Tee for quite some time. This “Who Can We Run To” is probably her boldest yet – social consciousness meets Badu-level bravery to bare all to ensure the message gets heard, seen and felt… in a most disruptive & impactful way.
(Well, you wanted to see her body. There’s a tradeoff. To see Na’Tee truly in the flesh is to see ALL, including the very unpleasant truths she wants to relate.)
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee | Boo’d Up T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #026 (Video)
Daaaayummm! This put me in a mood. Why is 3D Na’Tee so good at delivering that good thug passion from the booth? Got me stuck on the possibility of a dream of being with her. Whew!
(Get it together, O. It’s just barz. Dope barz though.)
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee | What We Do T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #010 (Video)
3D Na’Tee | Wild Thoughts T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #011 (Video)
3D Na’Tee | Magnolia T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #012 (Video)
3D Na’Tee | Crew T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #013 (Video)
On deck in the deck for the T.Mix treatment this time: “Crew” by GoldLink. Click play and watch 3D Na’Tee play with it.
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee | Rake It Up T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #014 (Video)
3D Na’Tee | Renegade T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #015 (Video)
I know you know by now… Na’Tee ain’t just making words rhyme over someone’s beats. It’s about the BARZ! She’s reaching out to the viewers, making it worth your time to watch. Putting it all in this. She speaks on her father again on this episode, and the emotions gush forth again #Realness
– @ojones1
3D Na’Tee | Free Smoke T.Mix | Monday Morning Exercise #016 (Video)
Uptown Butterfly: The Life & Career Of Na’Tee (Documentary)
You may know a li’l something about Na’Tee. This should fill in the blanks. Something that will become apparent from jump, something you should know and always remember, she is soooo New Orleans and always will be. Check out her documentary project above.
At the end of 2016, I partnered with WAV, a new media company founded in Korea, to become one of their artist ambassadors. Soon after, we filmed this 6 part documentary-series about my life and career as an independent artist in New Orleans, Louisiana. Check it out and tell me what you think in the comments below.
– @ojones1