Beatz & Lyrics Show

Justin Freeman – “No Chill” (Video)

In a word… geeeeeeYOTdaaaaam!! Y’all can go grab a copy of “No Chill” off iTunes (link below) whenever you want, and this vid might make you do just that! Justin Freeman showed up in my Facebook feed and destroyed my rap world. But that’s what I’d expect of a ‘future rapgod’ (his words, but I will cosign on the pedigree line).

I liked Justin’s page on Facebook, and followed on YouTube… immediately. And I’m still late. Mad at myself for sleeping on this brother. Taking from the movie “Taken” I gotta say to you, Justin:

I now know who you are. I now know what you want.
If you’re looking for a deal son, I can tell you I don’t have money.
But what you do have is a very particular set of skills.
Skills you have acquired and will grow over a very long career.
Skills that make you a nightmare for people who can’t do it like you.
If you let this Hip-Hop go now, that will be the end of it.
Folks will not check for you, the industry will not pursue you.
But I hope you don’t because I will keep checking for you.
I will find you… and I will dap you up!

Respect. You have done Hip-Hop proud. And you have not failed this city!

(More after the jump.)

#LyricalLeagueOfAssassins #RepTheATLwell #NoChill



Justin Freeman is a lyricist from Atlanta, Georgia, who wants to bring back the art of lyricism and be the best to ever do it. And he can do it on all levels. Learn a bit more and watch him flow with super power applying positivity and a progressive perspective on this BET One Shot clip.

I want to be the best rapper alive. Period. I’m keeping the art of lyricism alive.

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