Beatz & Lyrics Show

Activism: Spike Lee Edits NYPD Chokehold Victim’s Images Into “Do The Right Thing” (Video)

Last Thursday, Eric Garner, a 43-year-old father of six, died…on camera, in front of citizens of these United States. DAMN! Staten Island’s son passed away after being put in a lethal choke hold by police. The man had chronic asthma AND sleep apnea, but the cops could not have known that in their initial seconds of exercising force. BUT, soon enough (after he was on the ground) he told police officers he could not breathe many times. They literally choked the life out of the brother!!

If you are mumbling to yourself angrily, trying to square your feelings, and not throw a garbage can through a shop window. You, like us, know that the struggle is still very real. You may even flashback to that tragic scene with Radio Raheem and the cops in Spike Lee’s “Do The Right Thing.”

The above edited rendition is stirring. But hit the jump. That’s our fallen brother Eric ‘shopped into the image and shared by Spike Lee himself. Don’t tell us movies are ‘make believe.’ Too real. Disturbingly real.

radio-raheemThe movie scene

10520139_651138478334842_656147441_nWith Eric edited in

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