Beatz & Lyrics Show


GMOs: Monsanto Was Wrong about Agent Orange being ‘Safe.’ Will We Trust Them with Our Food?

Don’t you think it is your RIGHT to know what you are putting into your bodies… into your children’s bodies? We at do!  We strongly believe that the freedom to eat whatever you want MUST be coupled with the free flow of information about what you are eating. That is why we are sharing this informational video published by Nutiva. Here is the  message that accompanies its YouTube video (above):

‘The same corporations that said DDT and Agent Orange were safe have now put millions of dollars into the campaign against our right to know what’s in our food. In November, Californians will vote on the most important issue to ever effect our food supply. As Goes California, So Goes the Nation.

Vote YES ON 37 Because We Have The Right To Know What’s In Our Food!

Learn more about this important ballot initiative, and the future of your food supply here:’

Just think: Why would a corporation NOT want you to know what it is doing to your food?
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Technology: Disney Research Scientist Creates Virtual Reality Experience That Looks & Feels Real

If ever there was such a thing as a touchy-feely techie, Ivan Poupyrev is. The 42-year-old son of a Russian mathematician, now senior research scientist at Disney Research, is leading us down a virtual reality (VR) path that could one day rival the experience of walking on a Star Trek Holo-Deck (y’all know I’m a Trekkie).

Poupyrev has already created an orchid that emits sounds when its stem is stroked… a knob that unlocks a door when it’s touched a certain way… with more good tech on the way (already 11 patents to his name).

Having been at Disney since 2009, Poupyrev has also been working on technology that turns smooth surfaces into textures. Emitting a weak electrical signal through the body via a small device placed in the heel of a shoe or in a shirt pocket (see? like a Star Trek comm-badge… told ya!), Poupyrev’s technology can make the wearer “feel” images he projects. For example, when the wearer touches an image of a ball projected onto a wall, it feels rubbery to that person. Similarly, a wearer can feel the ridges on a projected image of a mountain. “We can easily add tactile feedback to any wall and public spaces,” Poupyrev says.

Easily… did you get that? This is NOTHING to Poupyrev and Disney! Like play time…


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Technology: Taking The E-Book Revolution To Africa

Software pioneer and philanthropist David Risher has been a force in the high-tech industry since the 1990s. Pivotal to the success of techie giants Microsoft and Amazon, Risher is looking to make high-tech history in a different way in the 21st century: Using e-books to spread literacy, literature, and increased opportunity across the African continent.

David Risher has already raised over $1.5 million in government and private sector funds in support of that mission; and his nonprofit, Worldreader, is shipping Amazon’s Kindle reader to schools and communities in sub-Saharan Africa with a near-term goal of providing 1 million e-books to children in the largely English-speaking countries of Ghana, Uganda, and Kenya in the next year. Awesomenesss! Respect, Mr. Risher. RESPECT!

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Technology: Apple Passbook May Let You Kiss Your Wallet Goodbye (Video)

Apple is going HARD! A new iPhone 5… and now this: making it so your iPhone replaces the need for cards, coupons, and even cash!

There has been much talk over the past few years about turning phones into digital wallets — paying for things seamlessly, in addition to surfing the Internet and making calls. While “the technology isn’t there” for customers to simply swipe their iPhones to make purchases (says Shaw Wu, an analyst at Sterne Agee), Apple Passbook is expected “to pave the way for mobile payments eventually.” Apple already boasts on its website that, “With Passbook, you can scan your iPhone or iPod Touch to check in for a flight, get into a movie and redeem a coupon.”

And that is just the beginning. Passbook and its potential really have analysts and developers excited:

“Your mobile device will become your wallet. Whether it’s in a few months, a year from now or longer, it’s going to happen,” Daniel Delshad (app developer) says.

According to Wu, the long-range game plan for Apple is to have the smartphone do everything — start the car, lock it, open the house and garage, turn on the air conditioner and heater — and, of course, become the vehicle to pay for goods with a swift swipe of the phone.


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Tupac ‘Dies’ Again: Hologram Company Goes Under (Video)

Financial News One reported days ago (see video above) that Digital Domain Media (DDM) CEO John C. Textor had abruptly resigned and that the company was “evaluating its options, including Chapter 11 bankruptcy.” Well, Kenneth Schortgen of is now reporting that DDM, the company that brought rapper Tupac Shakur back to life (as a lifelike hologram at the last Coachella Festival) has indeed filed for bankruptcy:

Tupac Shakur will always live in the minds and hearts of millions of Americans, but his image, resurrected by Digital Domain Media, suffered a second death today at the hands of the bankruptcy courts.

– Kenneth Schortgen, Jr.,

Digital Domain Media’s (DDM) resurrected Tupac hologram was received with much fanfare at the last Coachella Festival. Shortly after the Festival, many of us began to ponder whose hologram would make an appearance at the next Coachella. Moreover, recent buzz about a “noteworthy” celebrity appearance at the Republican National Convention gave rise to talk of the possibility of a speech delivered by a hologram of President Ronald Reagan (before we learned that the celebrity speaker would be Clint Eastwood). Indeed, the possibilities for DDM to capitalize on buzz seemed endless. Unfortunately, the company was not able to convert the buzz into anything truly bankable. With its September 11, 2012, bankruptcy filing, DDM (in effect) died… and the possibility of any more of its holographic resurrections (including an encore performance from Tupac) died with it.

R.I.P. DDM. R.I.P. Holo-Tupac.

(One more time, Holo-Tupac…after the jump.)
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Technology: Sneak Preview of iPhone5? (Video)

There are a few videos circulating the Internet that briefly show what is alleged to be the iPhone5. Apparently still ‘in development,’ the model shown side-by-side in the clip above with the current iPhone displays a screen error near the end of the vignette. This video leak breaks the usual hush that surrounds Apple tech releases (if it is proven authentic) in the worst way; as Apple surely would not want a lackluster ‘preview’ (if any) floating around the ‘Net. Well, if the September 12 release date holds, we will know if the iPhone5 looks/functions in any way like this for sure very soon.

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Technology: Scientists Extract Personal Secrets With The Use Of Commercial Hardware

(Read the full TechCrunch article here.)

Brain Hacking… is it just something they did in “The Matrix,” or is it really possible? READ THIS ARTICLE! It is more than possible. Commercially available technology has already been shown to increase the odds of guessing folks’ secrets (like PIN numbers and home addresses). Mind-reading tech has already been put into practical daily use, says Gregory Ferenstein of TechCrunch:

Brainwave-reading devices, which control computers hands-free, have become increasingly popular for entertainment, control of prosthetics for paralyzed individuals, and military application. The latest commercial versions of brain-reading devices, often used by researchers and software developers, can cost as little as $300 (the product pictured above is the “Emotiv“).

Just imagine a system that is designed to be at least as sophisticated as a cop or poker player using “tells” (non-verbal cues that allow one to guess what another is thinking or thinking of doing) to get information… to crack the case or win the game. That’s the “benefit.” But consider the darker side of this science…
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Technology: The iPad-Powered Home Of The Future (Video)

This is technical eye candy. Apple is a beast! Savant Systems is a beast! Now, I wonder if this tech can fix me a sandwich… and fetch me some real Eye Candy (like Rosa Acosta). Solid piece from Forbes online:

The Savant Experience Center, which took eight months to craft and opened in July, was designed by Thom Filicia of TV show “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” fame. It hosts a master bedroom with a walk-in closet, a loft-like living room, a Theo Kalomirakis-designed home theater, even a sports bar. But the real draw isn’t the lavish layout (which also has a hotel room, an office and a classroom); it’s the technology that covertly operates the space. Every “room” in the center is automated by Savant Systems and easily controlled with Apple products like iPads, iPhones, and iPod Touch-embedded remote controls. The technology works remotely from anywhere in the world. If you have an internet connection, you can control the home. Want the air conditioning running when you walk through the door on a hot summer day? Flick it on using your iPhone.
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Technology: AOptix Visual Scanners Can Get You Through Airport Security In The Blink Of An Eye

Maaannn! You know that technology is taking the ‘fiction’ right out of ‘science fiction, right? You have been reading my posts, right? A’ight then! A company called AOptix is doing something that should be both welcomed and feared! Airport security checks that take an hour can be accomplished in seconds! It’s all in the eyes… and the AOptix technology that scans them. According to Businessweek:

‘AOptix, a 100-person outfit based in Silicon Valley, says it has the technology to pull off this vision of the future. The company has developed a scanner that can snap an iris from a few feet away in about a second. “It has to be easy enough for an 80-year-old Tibetan grandmother who has never flown before,” says Dean Senner, chief executive officer of AOptix. Senner is championing the idea that by 2020 the vast majority of people will be processed automatically at airports by matching iris scans against databases.’


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Technology: Science That ‘Plays Your Brain Like a Videotape’

Okay. Technology is REALLY taking the ‘fiction’ out of science fiction. Let Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg, an associate editor at The Atlantic, ‘drop some science’ on you:

‘Our senses take in a vast array of sights and sounds every day, sparking activity in our neural circuits in corresponding patterns. Now, scientists are developing ways to decode these patterns and recreate the original audiovisual stimuli — not unlike the video playback of a VHS tape. This episode of Science Bytes explores some of the research in this field.’

Last year, scientists at the University of California Berkeley demonstrated that they could reconstruct the YouTube videos their research subjects were watching by analyzing fMRI scans of their brain activity. The video above is a shot-by-shot comparison between the video presented to the subjects and the video reconstructed by scientists brain scans. See how close the scientist got to what subjects saw…just by scanning their brain waves? Now, the episode write-up (and its included links) go MUCH DEEPER into the science; but let me lift another passage that will cut to the chase:

‘It’s not hard to imagine a cyborg future in which we can “make movies with our brains,” to quote music video directors Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan.’

In a word: WOW!


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Technology: In-Store Mapping Will Enable Futuristic Personalized Ads

If you remember anything about the movie “Minority Report,” it has to be the tech, right? Remember when the screens played ads based on eye scans; like when the commercial called out to Tom Cruise’s character by name…and offered him a beer! If not, peep the video…and brace yourself. Janne Haverinen’s prototype smartphone software will move us toward that kind of personalized advertising at breakneck speed! According to Businessweek, his better-than-GPS mapping software, IndoorAtlas, can pinpoint your location precisely above ground…or over a half-mile underground!

Knowledge [of exactly where you are] is power. For instance, if a futuristic product promotion system knows exactly where you are in a store, embedded ads in the aisle can play to tempt you to buy products right as you pass them! Hmmm…


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Cal Tech’s ‘Toilet of the Future’ Expected To Save Millions Of Lives (video)

“No innovation in 200 years has saved more lives than the toilet,” the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation states. “But 2.6 billion people still don’t have a safe, affordable way to poop.” Consequently, every year,  millions of people in developing nations (mainly across the African, Asian, and South American continents) are still dying due to poor water sanitation. They are often having to drink and cook with with the same water in which they defecate and bathe! That is a staggering, horrid truth. But thankfully, Cal Tech researchers backed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are tackling this problem head-on… with advanced technology that should solve the it in a sustainable, cost-effective manner – with self-contained solar-powered toilets and sanitation systems. The video explains it all (in VERY technical depth). This is high-tech employed to its most noble purposes…saving and bettering the lives of millions. Awesome and awe-inspiring! Check out this video on the prototype toilet of the future.
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Challenges Of Getting To Mars: Curiosity’s 7 Minutes Of Terror (Video)

With the recent success of NASA landing the Curiousity Rover on Mars, we were reminded by Jose3030 of just what it took for NASA to make the mission a complete success. In the above video Team members at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory share the challenges of the Curiosity Mars rover’s final minutes to landing on the surface of Mars. Although there was no real physical terror for any person involved with this mission, the real terror would have been if it had failed considering over $2 Billion invested dollars was on the line with the project.

Aaron Hall – ‘Curiosity’ feat. Redman (Marley Marl Remix)

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Technology: 24-Year Old Med Student Finds Futuristic Solution For The World’s Ills [Cover Story]

Photograph by Katrin Koenning, article by John Tozzi, for Bloomberg Businessweek.

Here is a frustrating problem: Pneumonia, though treatable with antibiotics, kills more children than any other cause (mostly in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa), according to the World Health Organization.

Enter the problem-solver! Hon Weng Chong, a 24-year-old student at Melbourne (Australia) Medical School, has developed a quick way to diagnose children in areas where health care is scarce. He’s built a stethoscope that can plug into a smartphone and doesn’t require medical training to use. Unfortunately, for now, there is a lack of speedy networks and smartphones in the areas of need. Sad… and the same problem exists in rural/poor locales in MANY countries (like my own, the United States). But imagine if we could overcome this obstacle… lots of diagnoses and prescribed treatments could be done doctor-free (talk about healthcare reform)… high-blood pressure, urinary tract infections… all kinds of one-test-one-pill situations. Improved health outcomes the world over… DONE!


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Dwight Howard Speaks On ‘miCoach’ Fitness By Adidas (Video)

It’s show-and-tell time! When he’s not being indecisive about which NBA team he eventually would like to play for NBA superstar Dwight Howard is promoting for Adidas & helping kids improve their game. The Atlanta native shows us some of his workout moves, and he tells us how Adidas’ miCoach (available Playstation and Xbox 360 Kinect) can help kids (and kids at heart) improve their basketball/athletic skills.
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Just Blaze On Making Beats (Video)

Always awe-inspiring watching a genius at work. Here, Just Blaze gives us a feel for his music production process. We also get a peek at the equipment he uses. Take note, especially if you are putting together a “shopping list” for beat-making.
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Marley Marl Classic Recipes: Recreates LL Cool J’s ‘Mama Said Knock You Out’ With Unreleased Verse (Video)

“In the first installment of Marley Marl ‘Classic Recipes,’ he shows you how he produced the beat for the 1991 Grammy award-winning chart-topping single “Mama Said Knock You Out” by LL Cool J. He discusses the collaboration and the production process of the track, as well as methods and tools that were used, including the Akai MPC60 and E-Mu SP-1200, the preferred sampler and drum machine for most hip hop producers at that time. In this video Marley Marl loads the samples into his new production weapons of choice, Ableton Live and the Akai APC40, including bits of Sly And The Family Stone’s “Trip To Your Heart” and James Brown’s “Funky Drummer”.

Throughout the video, the DJ legend gives invaluable advice and tips for young and up and coming producers, and he concludes the episode by offering a mixing technique for Ableton Live users and lovers of 808 kicks and other bass-heavy kick drums, and an alternate rock version of the song with never before heard lyrics recorded by LL in 1990.” – Dubspot
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BLITZ – 7/13/12: Friday The 13th

Quiet Village – “Circus Of Horror”


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The Dramatics – “Hey You! Get Off My Mountain”


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