Check Out The Highlights From The 14th Annual ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Belly Flop Competition (Video)
Let’s bet on some bellies!
Oh wait. Hold up!
I gotta post the most recent, and most controversial, Kimmel Belly Flop Competition yet. Okay, I am not sure about that last part for certain. However, I am certain that Eric got ROBBED #FlawlessForm #SpectacularSplash #TakeItSeriously
It’s that time of year where we set up a swimming pool in our back lot and send Cousin Sal out to Hollywood Blvd to offer pedestrians the chance to take their clothes off on national television and have them compete in a belly flop competition. Our guest judges are Nicole Byer, Shaun White, Trixie Matell and a special appearance from Henry Winkler!
– Jimmy Kimmel Live
We see you, Cousin Sal! More Honeyz in this clip.
– @ojones1
Check Out The Highlights From The 13th Annual ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Belly Flop Competition (Video)
I like Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s celeb commentary on this Belly Flop competition. There’s technique to consider… Take it seriously, folks!! Reminds me of the VERY serious (but hella fun) Cannonball Competitions we had every summer back in Tuskegee (Alabama, USA) back in the day.
Every year we set up an above-ground swimming pool, and we send Cousin Sal out to Hollywood Blvd to pull a group of confused pedestrians off the street, put them in bathing suits and make them compete in a belly flop contest. This year’s guest judges are Adam Rippon, Mark McGrath, Anthony Anderson’s mom Doris, and a special appearance from Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
– Jimmy Kimmel Live
Recreation: How Intense Can A Game Of Spades Get? Sh*t… Ask KevOnStage (Video)
This is officially the first time I beat somebody so bad they broke a chair!
Ain’t nothing like a great game of spades. And ain’t nothing funnier that a LOPSIDED game when one side gets TORE OUT THE FRAME… unless Kev and DoBoy are involved. Then it’s funnier, but it will not get any funnier than that!
Got Kev cussin’ on here #What #ThatPart
– @ojones1
Lifestyle: Want To Know Where To Get Good Philly Cheesesteaks In Atlanta? Follow Team Williams (Video)
Man oh man! Nothing more Philly than a gooooood cheesesteak. And nothing beats the ones that Big Dave’s is serving downtown! Right hand to heaven. Other hand and both eyes on that sammich!!! Team Williams doing it BIG this time with subs, wings, and tasty ‘waters’ (watch and see).
The host of Men’s Inc., the NEW Style, Family, Fitness and Friendship channel visits downtown Atlanta, GA, to find out about ALL the hype on a NEW Philly Cheesesteak spot that has been getting rave reviews! Join Team Williams as they enjoy a day downtown visiting Georgia State University and Big Dave’s as the family always seeks Things to Do in Atlanta!
#BigDavesPhillyCheesesteakAreTheBest #GabbysGettingBetter
– MENS Inc.
The channel actually does not premiere until January 2020. But if you are down with (thank you), you don’t have to wait! You’re welcome for that, by the way.
Now, you know what to do next: Click the like on the video, share, and subscribe today!!
Lifestyle: Hitting The Road To Get The Latest Fits… If The Price Is Right (Video)
Team Williams trooped on up the highway to get some serious outlet shopping done. Mind on those going through the recent hurricane on the trip (prayers and well-wishes). Check out how Team Williams (with Gabby getting better) does it… BIG!
Team Williams is outlet shopping at The Outlet Shoppes at Atlanta, in Woodstock, GA!
Here at Mens Inc we will feature outlet shopping for DEALS and STEALS and how to save money at retail stores for brand clothing and shoes.
– MENS Inc.
The channel actually does not premiere until January 2020. But if you are down with (thank you), you don’t have to wait! You’re welcome for that, by the way.
Now, you know what to do next: Click the like on the video, share, and subscribe today!!
Lifestyle: Kicking Off The High School Football Season Right… With Team Williams (Video)
Awwww. Get better soon, baby girl. This channel is not just about business. It is a FAMILY business channel (big on fam, and fam will ALWAYS be first).
Now, on to the business OF HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL!!!! At the Mercedes Benz big house, no less, no doubt. Can’t get bigger than that in the ATL. Which is only right, because you know Team Williams can only do it big, right? A’ight then!
Team Williams heads to The Mercedes Benz Stadium for the Corky Kell Classic, a GREAT Family Event for ALL!!!
– MENS Inc.
The channel actually does not premiere until January 2020. But if you are down with (thank you), you don’t have to wait! You’re welcome for that, by the way.
Now, you know what to do next: Click the like on the video, share, and subscribe today!!
Lifestyle: Well… You Should Not Be Seeing This Until 2020. But… (Teaser)
Good look! Watch out now, bruh!! The channel (and the ‘shot caller’ channel runner) do it big… because that’s the only way Team Williams can do it… with this promo spot. You gotta peep!
Be sure to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE….more videos on the way!
– MENS Inc.
The channel actually does not premiere until January 2020. But if you are down with (thank you), you don’t have to wait! You’re welcome for that, by the way.
Now, you know what to do next: Click the like on the video, share, and subscribe today!!
Lifestyle: Team Williams Visits Team Newby For A Special Graduation Celebration (Video)
Academic excellence is always cause for celebration!! Well, being Team Williams is enough cause for celebration… but now the party ticks up another level. You’ll see when you watch. Congratulations, Yris
Enjoy another family event on Mens inc. Remember this channel celebrates Family, Friendship, Faith, Fitness & Men’s Lifestyle, more videos are on the way & our official launch is January 2020!
– MENS Inc.
The channel actually does not premiere until January 2020. But if you are down with (thank you), you don’t have to wait! You’re welcome for that, by the way.
Now, you know what to do next: Click the like on the video, share, and subscribe today!!
Lifestyle: Myrtle Beach Trip Done The Right Way… With Team Williams (Video)
Team Williams will ALWAYS do it big. So if you didn’t know, now you KNOW… especially after watching this premiere ‘pre-premiere’ video from the MENS Inc. channel on the YouTube.
YouTube Family Team Williams posts their first YouTube video, a 2019 trip to Myrtle Beach, SC! If you are planning a trip to Myrtle Beach, this is MUST SEE TV!
– MENS Inc.
The channel actually does not premiere until January 2020. But if you are down with (thank you), you don’t have to wait! You’re welcome for that, by the way.
Now, you know what to do next: Click the like on the video, share, and subscribe today!!
Travel: Jetpacking In Maldives Should Be The New ‘End Game’ For Next Vacation (Video)
DUUUUUDE! That dude is rocking out in his real life! Flying over water in a jetpack outfit like he was Ironman Tony Stark! DOPE! The human flight tech featured is from Gravity Industries.
– @ojones1
Will Smith On Great Advice From Arnold Schwarzenegger And Getting Back Into ‘Bad Boys’ Shape (Video)
Kevin Hart talks to athletes in a cold tub that is ‘cold as balls’… Meanwhile, Will is on here trying to get into ‘athlete shape’ by freezing his balls off!
Before starting production on Bad Boys For Life, Will takes some time in the Bahamas to get back in Mike Lowrey shape.
– Will Smith
– @ojones1
Introducing Onewheel+ XR (Video)
I mean… to watch. Not seeing me riding one of these anytime soon. Requires a type of balance, athleticism, and lifestyle dedication that just isn’t me. But if you are a boarder, off-roader, adventurous spirit, or somewhere in there within your soul, this Onewheel thing is for YOU!
I do enjoy watching though. Looks fun!
The world’s most beautiful riding experience now goes 12-18 miles on a single charge. Take on big adventures and enjoy seamless commutes. Oh, and did we mention we packed in a bit more power too?
– Onewheel
– @ojones1
‘Nerds’ Embarass Street Ballers On The Hardtop (Video)
Hahaa! This is like real life “White Men Can’t Jump.” The so-called ballers were so dismissive of the two ‘nerds’ that just wanted to play (okay, the ‘nerds’ were ringers)! And they got GOT!
My college teammate and I disguised as nerds were dunking on the hoopers at Venice Beach!
I played at the University of Oregon, Pepperdine University, & Rice University
Bishop played at Rice University.
– AJ Lapray
– @ojones1
Technology/Recreation: Computer Genius Bjorn Harms Converts His Corvette Into A Full-Sized Remote-Controlled Car (Video)
Dude. A full-sized remote control Corvette. Like FULL… you can in and drive, but why? Because it’s REMOTE-CONTROLLED… sized!
– @ojones1
Will Smith Finally Makes ‘The Jump’… Out of a Helicopter! (Video)
Oh! Got it. That last jump (here) was just for ‘practice’ huh? THIS is the long-awaited big jump… into the Grand Canyon… from a helicopter #WillSmithTheJump #BigWillieStyle
Will Smith’s First Time Bungee Jumping (Video)
I’m saying though… Can Will at least LOOK a bit nervous? Dude runs through challenges like a kid who’s never even skinned a knee. Maybe that’s the key to his seeming invincibility when he takes on these ‘fun’ life challenges: He channels childlike wonder and thrill at how awesome the end will be; giving NO power to the travails of getting the ‘means’ (Big Willie gots BREAD) or the time spent in the meantime (don’t dwell, just do)!
– @ojones1
Season 3 Premiere Of Vice’s Skateboard Culture Docuseries: ‘King Of The Road’ (Full Episode) [Video]
CRAAAZY! I just stumbled across this. Watched. Can’t say I fully understood, but I was fully engaged. Folks on a skate trip of a lifetime, shredding rails, shedding blood, and other gnarly and ‘bro’ stuff… all while trying to win bragging rights (and MONEY) as ‘Kings Of The Road.’ Just winning at life, man. This crazy life.
The race starts in Reno with a relay. Evan crushes while Glick gets stage fright. The Books are handed out and Foundation ends the night with a tender moment at a wedding chapel.
– @ojones1