Health and Wellness
Best Food Safety Practices: Grocery Shopping & Eating Takeout (Video)
In times like these, we must listen to the science; and to the practitioners! Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen aka Dr. Jeff VW is breaking the knowledge down to the very last compound (as KRS-ONE might say). Check out what he has to say about staying vigilant and being meticulous about the safest choices and sterilization processes for the food we eat.
It is NOT all ‘common sense’ but it will all make sense when your hear from it from the Doc.
This is the most current video for New CDC data, safe takeout food practices, and an updated practice for safe grocery shopping/handling.
– Jeffrey VanWingen
Atlanta Area Dr. Thomas Cowan MD On The Corona Virus (Video)
Viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell… They are not the cause of anything.
Not trying to make up your mind for you about this latest COVID thing. Make up your own mind. But take a look and listen at this clip first. Because SCIENCE and LOGIC!
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Shot at the Health And Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Arizona on March 12, 2020. Camera, sound and editing by Joshua Coleman.
Dr. Cowan writes more about this topic here…
– Parents For Healthcare Rights
– @ojones1
Mel Brooks’ Son, Max, Explains Why You Must Stay Home During This Coronavirus Crisis (Video)
A win for ‘Entertainment That Informs’… I really like this. The messaging has been clear to date, on what we should be doing as individuals to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus. But I feel like this vid brings it home to a few different audiences: folks who love Mel Brooks, enough to care about his family, friends, impact on comedy, maybe even his son Max.
– @ojones1
Neil Degrasse Tyson Separates Myth From Fact & Speaks On The Coronavirus (Video)
Of course, Sway is gonna have the go-to smart Brother speak on the Coronavirus when he comes through. How could he not? Shout to Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson for always bringing light, logic and a bit of levity to even the most touchy matters #ButNoTouchingNowadays #SocialDistancing
In our recent interview with Neil Degrasse Tyson, he talked about the new season of The Cosmos, breaks down the falsehood of the theories that humans use only 10% of their brains, and how genetics can pass down intellectual and physical attributes.
– @ojones1
Eye Candy: This Time, We Start With Just Angie, Just Walking… Toward Her Goal (Video)
There is no rule that says we cannot witness the thickness while we bear witness to Angie getting to her fittest. She’s trying to drop 30 lbs. With hard work and focus, I know she’ll get there. What I need her to know though, is that I’m gonna be watching every step of the way!
I mean, I got HIPmotized watching those HIPS switch and swish on the ‘mill. Mm mm mm, baby is serving some serious YAMS! Watch and salivate.
– @ojones1
Dr. Oz Advocates For Medical Reform & Medical Marijuana (Video)
Not so low key, I have a cousin that knows Dr. Oz. Personally. Been on his show a few times. So, if you find yourself at Grady Memorial in the A-T-L and Dr. Kimberly Manning (megaton name bomb drop…BOOOOOOM!) is at work, you can tell her that you read her cousin’s blog posts DAILY (you do, of course)!
Dr. Oz stopped by Sway In The Morning to talk about 11 years of his show.
Eye Candy: Who’s Ready For A Nina Galy “Mid Day Twerk Out” (Video)
Anybody else willing to admit that they watched ‘exercise videos’ just for the sexy instructors; NOT doing not one damn stretch or move they told you to? Anybody? F**k it. I’ll be by my lonely (again) on this. I mean, I saw Nina had a ‘Twerk Out’ video uploaded and you thought that I wasn’t gonna post it ASAP?? Have we MET!? Hahaa!
And Camsoda ought to pay Nina exxxtra for that promo at the 9:50 mark #ButtNakedTRUTH
– @ojones1
Eye Candy: Kali Shares What She Knows… Confidence Is The Key To Unlock Your Full Beauty (Video)
Y’all know the song. Sing along: If you’re sexy and you know it, your name must be Kali Scott… Ha! This is the remix! Plus, FACTS! Because Kali is the definition of SEXY AF (ALL CAPS, no cap, RESPECT!)… She has got my number (but I really want HERS). What number though? 12 (o’clock)! We’re doing something different for today’s Nooner, folks. The sexy ain’t always about thick-a-licious, azz-tastic, bodacious bods and faces in places; though Kali’s got all that. Sometimes it’s as simple as boosting your confidence; no bustier required. Yeah, Kali’s got all that and is ALL THAT. And most important, she knows it!
– @ojones1
See If You Agree With AskMen’s “Top 10 Sex Positions” (Video)
Hump Daaaaay!
Trying to live your best life? Best sex life? Found a write-up and video from AskMen that might help. Variety is the spice of life. And they have some variety in the positions you already get down with… Check that… you might already know all this, but I learned something.
Now, to put the knowledge into practice #NotAGame #ButPRACTICE #BedroomGame
‘The Therapist’ Talks To Joey Bada$$ (Video)
All is love…
But sometimes we are just too far down to feel its warmth. We need help sometimes. Sometimes, we need help to learn that we need help in that way.
I like the way the doc inches into the depths with Joey at the start. Joey being allowed to talk. Talking to somebody, esp. a professional, is a good thing… that can bring us back to better things (like full wellness and good mental/emotional health).
Joey Bada$$ grapples with the suicide of friend and fellow rapper, Capital Steez.
– Noisey
– @ojones1
Health & Wellness: Apryl Jones Speaks On How She Worked To Grow Her Booty Naturally (Video)
Wooooweeee! And she says she worked her butt off to get that body. Nah, baby. You worked that butt UP and OUT! Very interesting that I was thinking that having buns like that was more a matter of nature (genetics) than nurture (working at it). Turns out that Apryl went to work and got that lovely result.
Apryl Jones describes how she went from skinny to slim thick by working and building a perfectly toned booty.
– BETNetworks
– @ojones1
Who’s Your Chiro? If You’re Asking Natalie Friedman, It’s Definitely Dr. Jason (Video)
Always a pleasure to see Dr. Jason do his work on that body… especially when that body is as lovely as Natalie’s. Can you make her feel goooood, Dr. Jason? Can you make her feel good? Of course, he can. Watch. And watch her reactions…
Natalie is an actress/comedian from NYC who spends quite a bit of time in LA as well, and comes to us at Active Health for her Chiro care when in town. Watch as we tune her up with a major rehab session, alignment and traction to get her back into alignment.
– Dr. Jason
– @ojones1
Eye Candy: Ninas420life AKA Nina Ross AKA Nina Galy Shares Her ‘Workout Plan’ With Us (Video) [NSFW]
It can’t all be easy for Nina, but she’s so easy going. Warm energy. Hot (smoking hot) body. Supernova HOT star quality. How does she do it? Well, she talks about it a bit (cool)… Then she shows us a bit of a ‘workout’ (HOTTTTTT)!
Introducing THE NEW WORKOUT PLAN! Filmed by @thewrightvisions Pull you a rapper, NBA player…, at least a dude with a car!!
This is Not Safe For Work!!!
– @ojones1
Dr. Oz Speaks On The Real Benefits Of Cannabis (Video)
Yep. That cannabis! The Doc is breaking down the benefits of CBD, short for cannabidiol, which is a chemical compound from the cannabis plant and which does NOT get you high.
Dr. Oz drops in to explain why there’s no health benefit to washing your chicken before you cook it. The Doc also talks about how moral hang-ups affect our thoughts on hallucinogens and magic mushrooms.
– Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
And Doc gives props to Montel Williams in championing medicinal marijuana use. Nice!
– @ojones1
Tierra Speaks On Helping Herself By Helping Others On Odell’s Roundtable (Video)
Yoooo! My bredren Odell always gets the best guests, but Tierra though… she’s a goddess! BEAUTIFUL! Her poise and countenance spoke before she said a word. Just regal! And then we hear from the Queen. Wow!
Had the pleasure of having Tierra Burrell AKA Tierra Goes Green join me on the Roundtable. We talked about health, helping people and the importance of going inward. She is a great businesswoman along with being a plant-based holistic thought leader who speaks around the country. She holds no punches when talking about health & what we put into our bodies and how that affects our overall health.
– ArtByOdell
– @ojones1
Dr. Sebi’s Former Wife Ma’a & His Son Sesa Speak On The Coming Documentary And To Address Rumors (Video)
Wow. So, Dr. Sebi’s son Sesa says Nick Cannon is the only one who reached to tell the Doc’s story; not Nipsey Hussle. Worth leaning in and listening intensely to this clip for that tidbit and other insights.
Former wife of the late Dr. Sebi, Ma’a & his son Sesa stopped by Ebro In The Morning to bring clarity to misunderstandings, and confusion about the herbalist and healer whose name recently surfaced once again after the passing of Nipsey Hussle.
They also spoke on Left Eye & the last days of her life, whether Magic Johnson was really cured of HIV, Nick Cannon reaching out to complete the Dr. Sebi documentary, and also told stories of people who had used their program.
– HOT 97
Ma’a just might end up getting that hashtag to trend (mentioned it in another interview posted on here)… #WereYouThere
Dr. Sebi’s Family Speaks On His Life, On His Healing Ways, And On Controversies Involving Him (Video)
Old interview, but interesting information.
Tasha K getting exclusive insights and perspectives from Usha & ex-wife Ma’a. And Tasha speaks on the Nipsey Hussle’s documentary efforts in bringing Dr. Sebi’s story and wisdom to light.
Over 30 kids? Wow. Lots to unpack in this.
College Student Opens Her Own Restaurant In NYC Serving Scrumptious Vegan Cuisine (Video)
Man. Why am I drooling over VEGAN chicken & waffles though. These in the video at least…
Francesca Chaney is a 22-year-old college kid with her own vegan restaurant. She swears by plant-based meals and wants to normalize them for underprivileged neighborhoods. Her restaurant, Sol Sips, is in Brooklyn, NY, and its menu is comprised of delicious, healthy eats.
Because Francesca is all about accessibility, she offers a sliding-scale brunch where customers can pay anywhere from $7 to $15 for their full meal. She hopes her mission of educating people about healthy eating grows into more Sol Sips locations and a healthier mindset for underserved communities.
– Food Insider
And she is getting her Styles P juice bar on with her approach to bringing healthy eats to the otherwise overlooked. Nice!
– @ojones1
Persephanii Loves A Good Facial (Video)
Not my usual post when it comes to sexy Persephanii, but I found this hella relaxing just to watch. Maybe they have something like this in your area. Gotta be a priceless rejuvenating experience whatever the cost! Tell your girl you wanna give her a facial… THEN tell her you meant ‘a day of being pampered at the spa’ which includes a facial *wink*
– @ojones1